Some merchants wish to offer ‘Free Delivery’ to customers or agents that bought in bulk or bought specific items.

An example, a merchant wanted to offer ‘Free Delivery’ for purchases above 20 kg.

Below are the steps :

  1. Go to <Yezza Settings> and click at <Manage Delivery Charge By Zone>.
  1. Add a special zone with a suitable name. For this example, Promo Khas. Tick <Manual Shipping> box and <Add> when finished.
  1. Promo Khas will appear as a zone. Then <Edit Setting> Manual Shipping.
  2. Click <+Add> to add
  3. Add a suitable name. Example below , Pembelian > 20 kg. Set zone to zone Promo Khas. Don’t forget to put RM 0 as this is a free delivery. Click <add> when finished.
  1. This option will appear on the delivery pricing list in your <Manual Shipping> like below.
  1. From customers perspective, when they entered the delivery address, it’ll appear the Promo Khas like below. They just need to select and continue with the purchase.

Note : These steps are also suitable for ‘Free Delivery’ promotion on specific product.

If merchant want to offer ‘Free Delivery’ based on purchase price, we advise to use Coupon.

Read More : Free Delivery Using Coupon.