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An option for customers for an instalment payment or merchant taking up deposits.

How To Setup #

  • > Click in <Partial Payment>. Click Edit

If you are selling a product at the price of RM9000 and need to take a minimum of 10% deposit, a month for the customer to fully pay, enter the details like below :

  • > [Updated 14/08] If you have more than 1 minimum payment, use the add button to add more.
  • > Click <Update> when finished
  • > Tick the box Enable this for all invoices to open this partial payment option to all customers like below. If not, merchant need to activate manually in customer’s invoice.
  • > From customer’s perspective, a popout like below example will appear when proceeding to payment at checkout. From the example given, the minimum payment is set to RM50. So they need to pay in full for this.

Read More : How To Edit Customer’s Order in Database

4 Responses

  1. Please explain to me more about partial payment.if the customer did not pay the balance installment,who will responsible to cover up? What is the requirement and how the process?

    1. Hi Nawik.

      It depends on how your business works. Some businesses only deliver the customers order once it was fully paid. Some dare to take risk to deliver the item even if it was partially paid.

      The risk is on merchant unfortunately. If their business is like the later, merchant need to keep on following up until it is fully paid.

  2. How do I create multiple payment option for my product? or wouldn’t it better if the formula is based on percentage as compared to figure.

    product A RM100 minimum payment is RM50
    product B RM250 minimum payment is RM125
    product C RM500 minimum payment is RM250


    1. Hi Puan Noeline,

      For partial payment, it will apply to all products and WhatsApp form.

      My suggestion is you to set the partial payment setting as the image below :
      Suggested Partial Payment setup

      You can add more or delete the payment option by using the add or minus button.

      For payment period, it’s up to Puan Noeline to decide.

      Hope it helps!

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