If your business have a sales team, agent or partners that also getting their feet wet, you can add their names in Yezza.
> Click <Sales Team>
> Click <Add Member> and then <Invite>
> Enter their email and set them to be an Agent or Sales Person.

Invitation link will be sent directly to their email. They need to click at the link and enter the password to start the access.
Also, at WhatsApp Form, you are able to assign which Sales Person or Agent to the form at the <Who’s Selling> section.
> Click Keyboard button on the right to start adding.
> Enter the agent’s name or Sales Person that already have the access.
> Mark the small box below if you want to give the potential buyer to directly buy the product without liaising with sales person or agent.
> Click <Save>

If a WhatsApp Form have more than 1 name, Yezza system will automatically assigned leads equally among agents and sales person.
So there is no agen or sales person able to monopolies all potential customers.
Below are the access difference between Admin, Sales and Agent :
– can add, edit, view forms, products, and salesperson/agent
– monitor performance for each salesperson/agent
– assign leads to sales/agent
– can setup the <Settings> (Delivery settings, Payments settings etc)
– can ONLY view forms, products and self performance
– will get a unique link when sharing the WhatsApp form smart link