Bagaimana Custom Link Borang WhatsApp – [FEATURE BARU]

Berita baik buat merchant yang melanggan Business Plan dan juga Intelligence! Kini anda boleh custom link borang anda mengikut kemahuan anda. Cara-cara custom Pergi <WhatsApp Form> dan <Edit> pada borang yang dikehendaki. Ruang untuk custom link berada di bawah sekali. Get creative! Klik <Save> bila selesai. Untuk berkongsi link berkenaan atau ingin meletakkan di media […]

Form Panjang Atau Form Pendek?

Di dalam perkongsian NEMO kami pada hari pertama, kami ada menasihatkan untuk menggunakan Borang WhatsApp yang ringkas agar pelanggan tidak berasa terlalu banyak untuk diisi. Namun, ada sahaja merchant yang menggunakan WhatsApp Form yang panjang dan mereka tiada masalah untuk meneruskan operasi. Faktor panjang atau pendek sesuatu borang itu bergantung kepada berapa banyak details yang […]

Pay Now Or Contact Seller First?

With Pay Now button activated, customer have the convenience to directly buy your product without contacting you first. Pick and Buy is what merchant most merchants desire especially for businesses that offers simple products. It really saves merchants time on managing orders especially when order filling in fast. Read More : 6 Advantages With Yezza […]

Bayar Terus Or Contact Seller Dulu?

Dengan adanya butang Bayar Terus, pelanggan ada kemudahan membeli barang anda terus tanpa menghubungi anda. Pick and Buy adalah apa yang dicari oleh merchant dan sangat sesuai bagi bisnes yang mempunyai produk yang ringkas. Ini benar-benar menjimatkan masa merchant dari segi pengurusan tempahan lagi-lagi apabila order masuk dengan laju Baca lagi : 6 Kelebihan Yezza […]

Shipping Option : EasyParcel , ZeptoExpress and LalaMove

As an online seller, we need courier services or runner to fulfil the order. To facilitate Yezza merchant, we have integrated with a couple of courier services company and also runners for your business. EASYPARCEL This is a courier services where it offers centralised decisions and management. Nearly all courier services like PosLaju, DHL and […]

Activate Delivery & Manual Delivery Setup – [Update 30/9]

How To Activate Click <Setting> then choose <Shipping & Delivery> Activate Require address for delivery by clicking the right button on the right. With this, your customers need to fill in their address before making any payment in their invoice. Note : If your business operates using self-pickup, you doesn’t need to activate this button […]

Still Thinking Yezza Isn’t Suitable For Your Business?

We can say goodbye to the conventional methods of sharing WhatsApp number during sale. No more hassle of copying order and address to another book, double checking inventory each day or managing orders manually. Below are examples of businesses that have use Yezza, spread across multiple industries. Everything are made possible with Yezza. INSURANCE FOOD […]

Changing Your Form Language

WhatsApp Form Yezza can be translated into 4 languages below : > Malay > English > Chinese > Tamil You can change during setting up your form by choosing which language that you want it be by clicking <Use WhatsApp Form In> Only 1 form can be set to a language at one given time. […]

How To Activate ‘Pay Now’ Button

When you are creating your WhatsApp Form, you have the freedom to activate the ‘Pay Now’ option. Below Who’s selling , there is a small activation box. Tick the box to activate. When activated, the buyer have the option either to buy directly or contact you via WhatsApp for further questions. Below is an example. […]

WhatsApp Form Or Yezza Store?

WhatsApp Form Advantages Focussed and direct to customers that have a specific category interest. Product can be sorted accordingly (price, latest release etc). Customer need to fill in details first before pay now / contact seller. Merchant able to notify buyer (TnC and other info) in WhatsApp Form. Can set whether Buyer need to contact […]