Under <Product>, now you can access to a new tab which is <Manage Inventory> for a quicker stock management.
Note : If your product (including add ons and variant) is not set “Has Inventory” , it won’t appear in this area.
Read More : Stock & Inventory management – [Updated 06/07]
How To Bulk Upload
- Sort your product list according to your stock numbers with Ascending / Descending. Or directly search the product name in the Search box.
Note : You can hide add-ons and variant items by ticking Hide variant and add-on inventory box.
- If you choose ascending, the least number of product will appear first. Update the stock number by entering the number. Easy right?
You can edit the produk directly by clicking at the picture <Edit>

You can access to the main product from its variant item or add-on by clicking <Product Variant> or < Product Add-on> for editing.
For examples, below is a product Columbian Coffee Beans where its variant is set to weight packaging.

If you click at the button <View all add ons> or <View all variant>, you can access to all add ons / variant under the main product.
An example, <View all add ons> on “+ Keju” will bring you to all add ons under Roti John Roundabout Merlimau.
Another example. “Keledek Fries” , it will bring to all add ons under Kebab Daging Sos Leleh.
This new feature, merchant able to quickly manage the stock in their inventory.
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