For business that focused on agents & salesperson, of course they’ll have a number of working force.

HQ definitely need to manage :

To do this, admin can view at <Sales Team> link at dashboard.

Below are a few issues around sales / agents and their proposed solution.

I plan to make a giveaway for agents with highest sales last week. How Can I check this?

  1. Go to <Database> & click <Customer>
  2. Choose Paid then filter the Date to Past 7 days
  3. Click <Export> to download file in .CSV format (open with Excel)
  4. At the end of the parameter list, there’ll be Sales/Agents. Choose your winner there.

I want to view my sales team performances 3 months ago.

  1. Go to <Database> and click <Customer>
  2. Filter Date to Custom then choose 3 months
  3. Click <Export> to download the file in .CSV format (open with Excel)
  4. Filter parameter Sales/Agents and search names.
  5. For Parameter reading; PaidTrue = closed leads. False = unpaid leads.

My salesperson is on maternity leave. But her name is on all 10 WhatsApp Forms!

At <Sales Team> , just off Salesperson status by sliding the right switch. She’ll be on deactivate more. No need to delete her name.

My agent doesn’t want to continue. How do I delete his name?

At <Sales Team>, click at <Delete> to delete the agents name. Only Admin are given the authority to do this.

I wish to upgrade one of my Sales member to Admin and chane her number too. How do I do it?

  1. At <Sales Team>, click at <Edit> button
  2. Change Role into Admin.
  3. Enter the new telephone number in the Mobile Telephone space.
  4. Click <Save> when finished.

When I mixed agents and salesperson in one form, agents will get leads too! Wasn’t it agents will have their own Smart Link and have to do their own marketing?

If you attached an agent’s name in Who is Selling, the sistem will indirectly divide the leads among the name attached.

Depends on how’s the merchant operates, there are no issue to mix up their names in one form. But if brought issue on to your business, below are our suggestions.

I have sales team and agents according to area. How do I track their performances according to leads around their area?

For this, we suggest:

You can also create a custom WhatsApp message according to each form so that you can differentiate accordingly.

Read More : How to create WhatsApp Template Message.

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