Bank Transfer is the best alternative if our customer unable to use Online Banking payment.
Here, the customer need to visit their respective bank website on their own and make the transaction manually there. (or make a payment through Cash Deposit Machine)
Steps To Setup
- Go to <Settings> and then <Payment>. Choose <Bank Transfer>

- Click <+ADD>. Choose <Bank Name> & fill in the account bank number for customers reference to make the payment. Click<UPDATE>

- Then <Add> if you have more than 1 receiving bank. Tick the box to activate.

- For customer’s side, they will get like the example below if they selected Bank Transfer as method of payment.

- After buyer make the payment transfer through their respective bank manually, they need to click <Send Receipt> to send proof of payment to you.
Note : Bank Transfer is not online banking. If you required online banking, please use payment gateway like Yezza Pay. More : Payment Method Setup – Online Payment
Managing Orders With Manual Bank Transfer
You as the merchant won’t get any notification from Yezza when the transfer is complete.
So you need to manually update the customer’s invoice to Paid when they shared their proof of payment.
To update, to go customer’s invoice and click Mark As Paid.
Customer’s order will then will appear at <Orders> for fulfilment process.
Overbooking Issue With Manual Bank Transfer – Updated 06/07
If you opened 2 payment methods at the same time (Yezza Pay & Bank Transfer), you might have an overbooking issue.
This is because the Manual Bank Transfer method requires merchant to mark as paid the order before the system records the order and update the inventory.
Example –
Customer A and Customer B wish to buy the only dress left in the shop. Both of them filled the form at the same time.
A uses Yezza Pay while B uses Bank Transfer.
Order from A will recorded first and the dress inventory turned 0. When the merchant later mark as paid for B’s order, the dress inventory will become -1 because of overlooking.
Read More : How To Manage Your Orders
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