Method Payment Setup & Management – Manual Bank Transfer [Updated 06/07]
Bank Transfer is the best alternative if our customer unable to use Online Banking payment. Here, the customer need to visit their respective bank website on their own and make the transaction manually there. (or make a payment through Cash Deposit Machine) Steps To Setup Go to <Settings> and then <Payment>. Choose <Bank Transfer> Click […]
What is Yezza’s Database?
We are tired managing Customers manually and face : > Wrong customer’s name because too much similiar names in WhatsApp. > Miss-looked an order because of difficult tracking. > No sure whether customer’s have paid or unpaid. So Yezza offers <Database> which divided into 3 sections : Customer Order Transaction Customer The main window to […]
6 Advantages With Yezza Pay & How To Activate – (Updated 16/07)
Yezza Pay is an alternatif payment gateway for online banking facility for merchants that yet to have company registration number (SSM) Even if you had, to activate a payment gateway may require a couple of days to be activated. Yezza Pay Advantages With Yezza Pay, customer can pay with online banking like Shopee or Lazada. […]
Payment Method Setup – Online Payment
Online Payment : Yezza Pay, Billplz, MOLPay, 2c2p Received customer’s payment by online banking. Recommended. To enable this method, you need to have a payment gateway like Billplz account, MOLPay and 2c2p. If you don’t have, you can opt to use Yezza Pay. Steps To Setup > Click <Settings> and look or Payment. You’ll see below interface. […]
What Is Yezza Pay?
Yezza Pay is a payment gateway provided by Yezza for merchants. So, merchants now will have online banking facility like a e-commerce website even you only doing business with WhatsApp. Below are the advantages when using a payment gateway. Yezza Pay is save because it is powered by Billplz. You don’t need to open a […]
Payment Method Setup – Partial Payment [Updated 14/08]
An option for customers for an instalment payment or merchant taking up deposits. How To Setup > Click in <Partial Payment>. Click Edit If you are selling a product at the price of RM9000 and need to take a minimum of 10% deposit, a month for the customer to fully pay, enter the details like below […]
Payment Method Setup & Management – COD
Cash On Delivery (COD) is an easy option for merchants that preferred cash transactions. To configure Cash On Delivery (COD), just tick the activation box to activate. During payment, customer will see the interface like below and can choose Cash On Delivery. The, customer’s order will be recorded to <Order> and merchant could continue for fullfillment. […]
Apa Itu Database Yezza?
Urus pelanggan secara manual akan bawa banyak masalah seperti : > Salah nama pelanggan sebab banyak sangat pelanggan nama sama > Terlepas tempahan sebab nak track pelanggan susah > Terlupa pelanggan dah bayar atau belum. Jadi Yezza memberi kemudahan <Database> yang terbahagi kepada 3 bahagian : Customer Order Transaction Customer Di sini tempat utama untuk […]
Setup Kaedah Pembayaran & Pengurusan – Manual Bank Transfer [Kemaskini 06/07]
Bank Transfer adalah alternatif terbaik jika pelanggan anda tidak dapat menggunakan Online Payment. Di sini pelanggan perlu membuka website bank merekadan melakukan transaksi secara manual. Cara Setup Pergi ke <Settings> dan seterusnya <Payment>. Pilih <Bank Transfer> Klik <+ADD>. Pilih <Bank Name> & isi no akaun bank untuk penerimaan pembayaran. Klik <UPDATE> Teruskan <Add> jika anda […]
6 Kelebihan Yezza Pay & Cara Pengaktifan – (Kemas kini 16/07)
Yezza Pay adalah alternatif buat merchant Yezza yang mahu menyediakan online banking tapi masih tidak mempunyai nombor pendaftaran syarikat (SSM). Jika ada SSM sekalipun, payment Gateway yang lain kadang-kala ia mengambil masa yang lama untuk diaktifkan. Kelebihan Yezza Pay Sebelum ini, kita jenuh follow-up pelanggan untuk berikan bukti pembayaran sebelum memproses tempahan mereka. Memang leceh […]